What Can Be Used To Assist People With Special Needs?

There are many different types of disabilities that can cause difficulties for certain individuals. These disabilities can pose varying levels of challenges that make it harder for a special needs person to live out their everyday life. However, the good thing to know is that they are not alone in their struggles. Support systems and resources exist to help them live life to the fullest. With that in mind, this blog post will be discussing the different assistive devices and mobility aids that can be used to help people with special needs.


1. Mobility Aids

A mobility aid is a device that helps someone walk or move around. They are a great way to maintain independence and help special needs people live life on their own terms. They can be simple and basic depending on what a person needs. Luckily, there is a wide variety of mobility aids out there, including wheelchairs, canes, crutches, walkers, rails, and even electric scooters. 


2. Positioning Devices

People with special needs will often face difficulties lying down, standing, or sitting for various everyday activities. This limits their ability to stay functional and puts them at more risk that can harm them even further. Examples of devices that can help one correct their position include specialised seats, walking frames, specialised mattresses, and more. 

What Can Be Used Assist People Special Needs

3. Daily Living Aids

People who have special needs will need help performing daily tasks. Daily living aids provide that versatile assistance in response to this. With daily living aids, individuals can get support when it comes to basic tasks such as preparing food, handling equipment, and more. Such products come in a varied range with some examples such as one-way straws, insulated mugs, plastic plate guards, jar openers, specialised cutting boards, food preparation systems, and more. 


4. Facility Service Equipment

Facility service equipment helps support special needs people in terms of their mobility, but these types of equipment are often found in facilities such as nursing homes, hospitals, care homes, and more. Examples of some facility service equipment include utility carts, raised toilet seats with sidearms, adjustable height walkers, portable commodes, wheelchairs, and more. 


5. Rehabilitation Equipment

Rehabilitation products are designed to help people with their physical recovery from an injury or illness. These items can help one recover from injury or illness faster by providing support where it’s needed most. Some examples of rehabilitation equipment include walker boots, boot equalisers, form-fit knee equalisers, lumbar braces, splints, and more. 


6. Bathroom Aids

Using the bathroom can be dangerous if you require special needs. Various hazards can happen in the bathroom, such as slips or falls, that can cause injury or harm without the proper support systems in place. However, bathroom aids are specifically designed to support those with special needs so that they can safely use the bathroom. Examples of common bathroom aids include shower chairs, rails, toilet chairs, toilet safety arms, shower and bath mats, raised toilet seats, and many more.


7. Personal Handling Aids

People with special needs have varying levels of disabilities that may affect the type of equipment they’ll be needing. Therefore, choosing an assistive aid that best suits a special needs person individually is the best way to offer them support. With personal handling aids, this becomes all the more easier as products can range from support and walking belts, transfer boards, and many more.



Special needs people may struggle to perform everyday, basic tasks due to their unique conditions and situations. However, there is a wide variety of tools and equipment that can be used to assist people with special needs. These could be mobility aids, positioning devices, daily living aids, facility service equipment, bathrooms aids, or personal handling aids. If you need help finding the proper support for you, don’t hesitate to give us a call today!

If you are looking for independent daily living aids, call Get About Mobility today on 1300 168 902 or leave an enquiry and we will get back to you as soon as possible.