5 Ways a Walker Helps With Mobility

Do you have trouble getting around? Or do you get tired easily? How about balance issues? If that's the case, a mobility walker may make a significant difference in your life. Walkers are used by millions of people all over the world for different reasons. They come in a variety of shapes, dimensions, styles, and price ranges. How do they help?—Here's how, but first:


What Are Mobility Walkers?

They are walking aids with a metal frame and four (sometimes three) legs that support and improve stability for users. They are also known as zimmer frames and can have wheels or slides that allow the user to slide the walker rather than lifting it while walking.


How Does a Walker Help With Mobility?

1. Balance

Balance issues can result from age, disability, head injuries, ear infections, or brain problems. Whatever the case, they could make you feel dizzy and lightheaded which could at times lead to serious falls. With a walker, however, you can improve your balance and reduce the risk of injury. How do they improve balance?—Walkers broaden your base of support.

Typically, your left and right legs serve as the only two points of support for your body, which can be risky when feeling dizzy or have an imbalance. Mobility walkers add 4 extra points for support over a larger surface area. That expands your base of support for much greater stability.

2. Confidence and Independence

People with mobility issues constantly live with the fear of falling which can lead to a loss of confidence in their walking ability. Consequently, they walk much less which can exacerbate walking difficulties.

Walkers however lower the risk of falling which increases their confidence. This way, seniors and others with mobility problems can maintain their independence. They can walk further safely, which is key to their sense of autonomy. Mobility walkers however do have some risks attached to improper use, so it's wise to get professional advice on the best option and read the manual.

Walker Helps With Mobility

3. Posture

A good portion of persons with mobility problems develops stooped postures. Poor posture in turn leads to rounded shoulders, a potbelly, joint degeneration, spinal dysfunction, and back pain. Such people can however use walkers to rectify their posture.

Walkers move the centre of balance to the correct place when used at the correct height. They also help you keep a more upright posture by providing support through your arms. As a result, there will be fewer falls and fewer mobility issues including back pain and long-term postural alterations.

4. Reduced Pressure on Joints

Assistive devices like walkers transfer the weight off of your joints which can reduce pain, especially for people with knee osteoarthritis, or knee pain and stiffness.

Overall, your body experiences less stress due to the additional support and capacity to support some of your weight. Mobility aids give you extra endurance, keep your energy levels up, and let you get through the day without using your muscles too much or exerting too much pressure on your joints.

5. Safety

By having a walker to rely on, you will be more stable, and feel at ease whether you are walking to the store, around the block, or picking something from a different room in your house. You can also walk farther and for longer. You stay mobile and active, all while keeping safe. Better yet, if you get tired, you can stop whenever you feel like it.

Need That Extra Support? Get About Mobility Is Here To Help

If you have a pre-existing condition, balance issues, body weakness, or are recovering from an injury and any other issue that may affect walking, Get About Mobility are here to help. We have all types of mobility aids for the elderly, disabled, and everyone in between. Let's get you moving with ease.

Please call us today on 1300 168 902 or leave an enquiry and we will get back to you as soon as possible.